Strength, Courage, Motivation

Among our lower chakra system is a form of energy that defines us as who we are. This energy is housed in our groin area and is responsible for conjuring life itself. We refer to this as our “sexual energy”, but its power goes far beyond the act itself. Sometimes withholding our sexual energy and transmuting it for our own good is more beneficial than releasing it for your own personal gratification. Harness this energy and channel it into things most important to you rather than just people. There are countless examples of great scholars and ideologists that have used sexual transmutation to create life-altering ideas, Nikola Tesla being our favorite. Among our lower chakra system is a form of energy that defines us as who we are. This energy is housed in our groin area and is responsible for conjuring life itself. We refer to this as our “sexual energy”, but its power goes far beyond the act itself. Sometimes withholding our sexual energy and transmuting it for our own good is more beneficial than releasing it for your own personal gratification. Harness this energy and channel it into things most important to you rather than just people. There are countless examples of great scholars and ideologists that have used sexual transmutation to create life-altering ideas, Nikola Tesla being our favorite. Carnelian is the key to accessing this energy nearly instantaneously. It assists in strengthening our transmutation process as we continue to manifest our dreams and desires. Meditate with this stone directly over your groin area to better enhance and increase the flow of energy coming from our most sacred chakra. Creation comes from a freedom of expression with no bounds. Colors, details, and symbolism all flow through your mind and body when working with this stone. These can be easily expressed on a canvas or through music, art, sports, and anything that puts positive energy back into this world. In our eyes that is the true definition of creation. Place Carnelian in workspaces where you or your team harness ideas that turn into a reality. This invigorating stone stimulates our creativity center and pushes our inner child to the surface. This innocent being contains a life force energy capable of bringing anything you dream to light! Allow yourself to release full control and let this inner spirit take over and grant you the truest of experiences that you deserve.